“When you see something that is not right, not just, not fair you have a moral obligation to say something. To do something. Never, ever, be afraid to make some noise and get in good, necessary trouble.” – John Lewis
One of the weapons/tools that we use in showing solidarity with prisoners who are active in destroying the Prison Industrial Slave Complex (PISC) is letter campaigns, faxes, phone zaps, and email messaging. We use these weapons/tools in response to the repression and abuse taking place in the prisons. These tools/weapons have proven to be effective in many instances in aiding prisoners in being released from solitary confinement, stopping the prisoncrats from tampering with prisoners’ mail, medical help, transfers, etc.
Remember, you are out there in the so-called free-world. Don’t allow fear of authority to paralyze you into inaction. They are already oppressing us in here. The only thing that will stop that repression, oppression and persecution is your ability to act, express your righteous indignation and bringing light to their bullshit. If you are unable to put your fear of authority to the side, kill the police in your head, you may as well join in the oppression, persecution, and repression.
Because you are not doing anything in helping us in the prisons, but in reality aiding the PISC through your silence.
Make some noise!